
With the wonders of modern technology we can now experience holistic health care from the comfort of our own homes. To save you having to travel through traffic and give you more time to spend with loved ones (furry friends included), currently all consultations at Naturopathic Essence are being held via phone or Zoom - whatever you feel most comfortable with!
With online prescription services you can have your orders delivered straight to your door too!

Initial Consultation
(60 mins) $170

New Clients
The purpose of an initial consultation is to gather an understanding of your unique health presentation. Throughout this session a comprehensive health review will be undertaken which will gather information around your presenting health concerns, medical history, family history, diet and lifestyle. Any current medications or supplements will also be discussed and reviewed. You will leave the session with an individualised treatment plan which will focus on dietary and lifestyle modifications, your current prescription and some further investigative work. A follow up session will be organised to review your progress and build upon your current treatment plan.

Long Return Consultation
(45 mins) $110

Return Clients
During this consultation we will build upon the information gathered from the initial session and assess your health progress. Revision of your treatment plan and prescription will be performed as well as further assessment of any other health concerns or health goals you may have. Referrals may also be suggested if deemed necessary. Timelines of ongoing treatment will be discussed with a projected roadmap that will guide you to optimal health and wellbeing.

Return Consultation
(30 mins) $90

Return Clients
These consultations will monitor your health progress, address any further health concerns and/or health goals. Where necessary, adjustments will be made to your treatment plan and prescription.

Quick Script Consultation
(15 mins) $50

New OR Return Clients
Designed for acute, short-term conditions that don’t require ongoing support - colds/flus, hay fever, seasonal allergies, mild skin presentations, short term sleep support, short term stress support, fatigue/low energy.
This appointment is also appropriate for those wanting some basic supplement recommendations (nutritional and herbal).
Flower Essence readings (remedy included) can also be booked with this appointment.

* You will be guided as to which consultation is best for you. Any questions please reach out via phone or email.


As every person is unique, there is no one set protocol when it comes to what serves you best. Prescriptions can vary from dietary and lifestyle advice, to directed herbal/nutritional prescriptions. Depending on what’s required, costs will also vary. Deciding what’s best for you is ultimately your decision but together we can discuss and come up with a plan that will provide you with the most effective and meaningful outcomes.